What to do when you don’t feel like doing anything?

Aruni Tripathi
3 min readJan 11, 2021


This popular question of this pandemic remains unanswered or unsatisfactory in terms of answers for most of us. Coronavirus has taken a toll on most of us, be it in on our mental and physical health or just peace of mind in general. Life became so monotonous that it can be compared to an ocean wave. So, what can be done when you feel like that wave in the ocean which just touches the shore and the moment it gets comfortable, it is taken aback and the cycle continues without any significant result and you feel like you have nothing to look forward to. I have shared here just three things which worked out for me during the lockdown.

1. Find a corner

Yes, find a place in the house which can be ‘your corner’. A spot where you can escape all the commotion in the house arising from the new work-from-home lifestyle. It can be your evening coffee corner or just a regular reading corner, anything but it has to be just for you. Now, this might sound vague but there is a certain level of inner peace which can be acquired when you are able to make space for yourself in a stuffed room.

2. Make a To-Try List

To-do lists are so 2020, the new thing of this year for you can be a To-try list. The borderline difference between the two lists is merely the psychology of words and how they impact your brain. The word ‘do’ implies that something has to be done and a normal procrastinating mind automatically fails to achieve that target. While the word try doesn’t come with any hidden restrictions so the rebellious side of one’s personality stays put. Making a list of things to try at home, ranging from online academic courses to Zumba practice to painting that blank canvas or even wall, anything can be ‘tried’.

3. Don’t be hard on yourself

One thing I learned during and after the lockdown was that everyone was going through the same problems and most of the times, even worse. So, instead of beating yourself up for the unexpected turn of events, it’s better to have acceptance for the present circumstances and a clear headspace to guide you for your future endeavors.

Of course, we are allowed to have our highs and lows but for days when the lows get the best of us, these words by Dalai Lama certainly help,

“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever”



Aruni Tripathi
Aruni Tripathi

Written by Aruni Tripathi

Reminiscing and ranting pretty much sums it up.

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